
Thursday, December 20, 2012

Dr. Derek Enlander's Treatment Protocol for CFS/ME

Dr. Derek Enlander is a native Irishman from Belfast. He came to New York as Assistant Professor of Medicine at Columbia University and then became Associate Director of Nuclear Medicine at New York University. Dr. Enlander is on the faculty of Mount Sinai Medical School and is an attending physician at Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York.

Dr. Enlander's protocol is based on treating the immune system dysfunction that underlies CFS/ME. He has an active research program, including Ampligen and GcMAF, in which his patients are invited to participate. Dr. Enlander is the founder of the ME/CFS Center, an international collaboration which includes virologist Illa Singh, geneticist Eric Schadt, immunologist Dr. Miriam Merad, Dr. Kenny De Meirleir and Dr. David Bell. (Sadly, videos of the 2011 Mount Sinai ME/CFS conference are no longer available.)

The following are current treatments used by Dr. Enlander (taken from his website). (Please go to Dr. Enlander's website for current treatments.)

Hepapressin Injection: Hepapressin is an amino acid complex similar to Kutapressin, derived from Argentinian bovine liver. Like Kutapressin, it is an immune system adjuvant. As Hepapressin on its own is rarely effective, Dr. Enlander combines the injection with his own specialized formula to produce a more efficient complex.

Immune Resist is an amino acid food additive. It is an oral capsule taken once daily. It is thought to be involved in the immune system and may diminish fatigue and "brain fog," and assist in concentration and short-term memory.

IMMUNOPlus: Immunoplus is given as an adjunct to Immune Resist. It contains folinic acid, along with other amino acids and other components in the methylation cycle. Dr. Enlander believes that the methylation cycle is part of the CFS/ ME dysfunction. 

Catapult contains phosphatidyl serine and cat’s claw. It is a non-prescription OTC supplement used to diminish "brain fog." Dr. Enlander reports quite good results with it. 

Neurontin: Neurontin is a prescription drug used as an anti-epileptic in grand mal seizures. In CFS and fibromyalgia the abnormal impulses that come from the brain are thought to be suppressed by Neurontin, allowing muscle fibers to be less fatigued. The daily dose can be up to 2400 mg per day.

Experimental Treatments

Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN): Opiate receptors are activated by naltrexone, which in low dose produces a cytokine reaction. This is thought to be helpful in CFS. Dr. Enlander states that it is too early to determine the effects.

LECTROLYTE or RECUP (a Spanish Electrolyte mixture) has been successful in fortifying muscles. LECTROLYTE may also reduce muscle pain. It contains 450 mg sodium, 125 mg potassium, 15 mg each of calcium and magnesium. LECTROLYTE does not contain sucrose or fructose (RECUP does contain these sugars).

Valcyte: Valcyte is a prescription antiviral medicine that Dr. Montoya at Stanford University has shown to be effective against the HHV-6 virus. Dr. Enlander collaborated in a study of Valcyte under the auspices of the HHV-6 Foundation. Patients interested in this treatment are encouraged to contact Dr. Enlander's office.

Ampligen: Dr. Enlander is cooperating with Hemispherx Corporation in a study of Ampligen in the treatment of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

GcMAF: GcMAF is a naturally occurring substance in the human body which destroys pathogens by activating macrophages. Several CFS physicians, including Dr. Cheney, Dr. De Meirleir, and Dr. Elson (Northampton, MA), have begun using GcMAF for patients who test high in nagalase, the enzyme that destroys naturally occurring GcMAF in the body.

EECP Treatment: EECP (enhanced external counter pulsation) therapy is an outpatient treatment used to improve blood circulation and increase cardiac output. It is normally used for angina and heart failure. In ME/CFS the treatment sessions are 30-45 minutes and are given once a week. During the treatment, the patient lies on a comfortable treatment table with large blood pressure-like cuffs wrapped around the legs and buttocks. These cuffs inflate and deflate continuously at specific times between heartbeats, a continuous electrocardiogram (EKG) set the timing so the cuffs inflate while the heart is at rest, in diastole, when it normally gets its supply of blood and oxygen. The cuffs deflate at the end of that rest period, just before the next heartbeat, systole. When timed correctly, this will decrease the afterload that the heart has to pump against, and increase the preload that fills the heart, increasing the cardiac output.


Derek Enlander, M.D.
860 5th Avenue, Suite 1C
New York, NY 10065
Phone: (212) 794-2000
Fax: (212) 327-2125
Dr. Enlander accepts Medicare (not HMO), Medicaid (NOT) managed care, GHI-HealthNet- HMO – POS, PHCS, United Health, Cigna, JJ Newman, Oxford freedom Plan..